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Funding Guidelines Heading link

General Policy on Funding

The CSAA has funds available to support UIC individuals or organizations in events, activities, and research related to Asian-American at UIC.  The CSAA has a limited amount of funds to sponsor or co-sponsor activities, thus priority will be given to proposals that meet the following criteria:

  • To support the goals of the CSAA as articulated in its mission statement;
  • To address issues and interests related to UIC faculty, staff, or students;
  • Requests greater than $500 will require a strong rationale and special approval.

Quick-Reference Funding Restrictions and Limitations

  • Funding for food must be accompanied by publicity materials that explicitly invite the general public. Outside guests may include UIC students.
  • State funds may not be used for purchasing gifts, tickets, equipment, or alcohol (equipment rentals are permitted)
  • A co-sponsored event must be of an educational or business nature (not social)
  • “Co-sponsorships by the Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Asian-Americans” [full name, correctly spelled, with no abbreviations] must appear on announcements for the event.
  • Advertisements in an ad book for external community events are not permissible.


If you can meet the constraints above, please read the full guidelines and complete the Funding Request form (CCSAA Funding Proposal) and email it to the co-chairs. The CSAA reviews funding proposals on a monthly basis, so requests must be made prior to the event. Please also direct any questions or concerns to the Co-Chairs.


Past Funded Requests

Asian American Leadership Forum
Registration Fees for Staff and Faculty

Asian American Resource and Cultural Center
Resource Book

Asian American Resource and Cultural Center
Yul Kwon talk at UIC

Asian American Resource and Cultural Center
National Association of Student Personnel Administration Conference registration fee

Asian American Resource and Cultural Center
Asian American Awareness Month

Asian American Resource and Cultural Center
Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education Conference registration fee

Asian American Resource and Cultural Center
New Student Mailing

Asian American Studies
Panel on Activism

Chemical Engineer Department
Graduate Student Meeting

College of Dentistry Diversity Advisory Committee
Asian American Oral Health Awareness Week

Hull House Museum
Farm Education

Office of Women’s Affairs
Women’s Leadership Symposium